MCCID designs websites for organizations

MCCID Deaf Trainors designed paid professional websites for two non-profit organizations this year.
MCCID designs websites for organizations

Sir Ervin Reyes, MCCID Deaf Coordinator was tasked to develop the official website of Transparency International – Philippines, one of the seventy national chapters of Transparency International. Their site will be used to disseminate information and o facilitate the establishment and strengthening of multi-stakeholder coalitions for good governance and corruption reform; bringing together government, civil society, business and other sectors that would see to functional National Integrity Systems [NIS].

Transparency International Philippines’ Official Website is at:
MCCID designs websites for organizations

Meanwhile, Sir Jerome Marzan, MCCID Deaf Trainor accepted the contract to develop the official website of Brothers of Charity Philippines, another local chapter of Brothers of Charity International.

Brother’s of Charity Philippines operates an Ortopedagogical Institute in Caritas, Pandacan, Manila; a Local Formation House and a School for the Deaf (San Lorenzo Ruiz SPED Center) in Baguio City and a Rehabilitation and International Formation Center in Tabaco, Albay.
Brothers of Charity Philippines’ Official Website is at:

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